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tv   Markets Now  FOX Business  December 10, 2012 11:00am-1:00pm EST

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stuart: the writing is on the wall. >> these tax hikes are going to happen one way or another. stuart: our time is up, but dagen and ccnnell, it is yours. dagen: you would be paying 54%. we will talk about that. i am dagen mcdowell. connell: m connell mcshane. the right to work battle. protests are breaking out over new legislation that puts the union on defense. dagen: the war on business. antitrust penalties. connell: the economic sanctions on iran. we will find out why this matters so much. dagen: it is the top of the hour. stocks now with nicole petallides. nicole: those breakfast meals
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are doing so well for mcdonald's. leading them right along. it is a top performer on the dow jones industrials. mcdonald's, we have to take a look at it. they are november sales are coming. all of these worries started to brew whether or not they donalds would launch a deal. they are back. they have winning numbers. they show growth of 2.4%. as i noted, breakfast meals doing well here in the states. of $0.89. allost $90, 89.37. the dow jones industrials, right now, are up one quarter of 1%. this is after wreaths. weeks of gains. last week, we gained about 130
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points. the traders that i have talked to, continue to say the trend remains to the upside. back to you. connell: thank you. dagen: president obama pushing his plan for dealing with the fiscal cliff in detroit. connell: peter barnes is in d.c. with the very latest on all of this. peter: neither side is dishing on the meeting yesterday afternoon. both sides issuing identical statement that said "the lines of communication remain open." the best strategy for republicans may be to swallow some higher tax rates, get that issue off the table and then come back to entitlement reform early next year when the president asks for an increase in the debt ceiling. then republicans will have a little more leverage. >> a lot of people are putting forth a theory. i think it has merit.
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you give the president the 2% increase that he is talking about. there is a growing body. i believe that maybe the best route for us to take. peter: this afternoon, the president will speak in detroit. he will be speaking at and engine company, detroit diesel. obama aides said the company will also announce $100 million new investment and production as part of the president visit. dagen and connell. dagen: thank you very much, peter. peter barnes in washington. connell: groups of union workers expected to continue their protest against michigan becoming the nations 24th right to work state. dagen: we should point out, this just gives people the option of opting out from paying union dues. that is all that it does.
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the governor says he will not take on this divisive issue. low and behold, he is willing to sign it when it shows up on his desk. >> the governor did not want the kind of confrontation with unions, that, for instance, you saw in wisconsin. they put on a referendum on the november ballot saying we want to constitutionally banned the right of right to work. unions defeated the governor, one of the governor's favorite laws which is this emergency manager walt which he is trying to use to desperately save michigan cities that are desperately in trouble, including detroit. connell: he was forced, in your view. he maybe it would not have done
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it if it was not for that. >> the emergency managers law. connell: the idea that he is in support of it. [talking over each other] connell: is the union movement, you know, is it over, is the tide turning? >> first of all, the second biggest organizing drive in the u.s. history, yes, you are right. today, even with the decline in unionization, it is about 13, 14%, which is about double the national average. yes, it is. this is not, for instance, and southern states, where you have the right to work and you do not have unions anyway. dagen: does it have a wider impact, does it continue to spread? >> well --
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dagen: this is the 24th state. >> it will never happen in new york or a place like new jersey. they do not have the legislatures that will pass this. let's be realistic about it. all you have to do is look at a map of america and you would understand that. there are limits as to how far it will spread. we have a really historic battle among the states. it is a battle over tax rates. for all of this talk about tax increases, you have places like kansas, wisconsin, louisiana, cutting taxes. because business investment is so stingy right now, this battle is really historic. i think we will see more winners in the states. dagen: right to work states over the last decade have grown faster. >> it is and important
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component. it will be more so, i think, going forward. the combination, state tax rates in federal tax rates, they are really getting onerous. connell: as peter barnes pointed out, how involved, or will he get involved in this at all going forward? >> well, your guess is as good as mine. here is the thing, you know, of all places that you can go in america, discussing the fiscal cliff, and he ends up in michigan. it is not only about this. you have members of the city council saying the president needs to bail us out. they used that language. i think it is veryytelling where
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he went today. connell: all right, steve, it is very good to see you. dagen: a new report by the u.s. intelligence reveals china will have the world's largest economy by 2030. the councils global trend report takes into account factors such as localization and the environment. europe, japan and russia are also expected to continue to decline. connell: a matter of time, as they say. this fox business exclusive, we will talk about the war on business. it was a record year for anti-trust funds. dagen: the sanctions against iran. if this policy will change anything over there. the state of the economy and why it matters to you and this, the cost of crude oil. take a look at it. more than $86 a barrel.
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stubbornly high. ♪
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♪ dagen: making money with charles payne. it is that time. we are going to look at hewlett packer. a billionaire, who is it, is building stake in the company. charles: karl icahn. this is a perfect karl icahn stock. of course, it is not confirmed yet. the stock looks fantastic. it will probably trade at this pace that maybe, two or three times its volume. connell: this was spreading on
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twitter. charles: it is spreading on twitter. karl icahn uses a lot of place. he usually, you know, buys a lot and enforces shareholder management. it is making its rounds. this company has a lot of cash. the insiders have begun to bite billions of shares themselves. maybe, maybe. it is one of the more exciting things that seems credible. dagen: would you have owned it if you would have not have taken a stake in it? charles: absolutely not. i will point this out, july 2000, the stock hit $11. 2002, brother. july of 2010, it was back up.
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i would like to see more evidence that they are turning it around. connell: that is pretty funny, though. dagen: absolutely -- not. -@charles: a lot of traders love to follow karl icahn. connell: great to see you. thank you, sir. let's go back to nicole petallides for for stocks now. nicole: we are taking a close look at delta. they are nearing a deal to buy a $49 stake. it may be you for less than $500,000. singapore airlines paid a lot more for that. the price range seems to be between 300,000,500,000,000. of course, richard branson holds
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a 51% stake. he would remain in control of the whole thing. you can see how the stock is faring today. year to date, it is up about 24%. this could be a very big deal here. we will continue to follow this. dagen: thank you. dagen: colonel oliver north standing by. a new report says that iran is now in recessson. what does that mean to our foreign policy and the of crude oil walks back. connell: is this a fox business exclusive today, a record year for anti-trust funds. first, a look at currency and how it is faring around the world. ♪
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>> at 21 minutes past the hour, i am lord green with gearbox used minute.
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the colorado resident was abducted by the taliban and while conducting a humanitarian mission. president obama released a statement praising them. jenny rivera that this morning after a private plane she was traveling on crashed in mexico. she has been nominated for three latin grammys. the radio news website says it has been hit especially hard due to un sanctions. dagen: more on those sanctions against iran.
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iran is in a recession because nations are not buying oil from the country. connell: expected to shrink 3.5% this year. that is what is going on over there. let's bring in colonel oliver north in. is this all good news or surely >> i want to give it as a cautionary tale. what those in our administration think that economic sanctions alone, which, no doubt have caused this recession. exhibit number one, north korea. grass is the vegetable. the economy of north korea -- connell: there is still an issue. >> they have not stopped from building nuclear weapons and supporting terrorism around the world. they are the number one provider
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in spite of the disaster in the north korean economy that effort will not be stopped their acquisition of nuclear weapons by themselves. it will take something much, much more. dagen: what is that? >> they are still able to obtain machine parts. they are still able to get the equipment that they need to refine and create a nuclear weapon that is the process that they have been on now for the better part of two years, that we know of. ever since we first thought that they had stopped. we now know that they are able to get those parts to the black market, through underground, that continues.
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the network from pakistan that started all of this is still very active out there. the only real hope you have is a change of government. it will not happen over american support. connell: they have elections next year. not that we are counting on the most honest elections or anything like that. the economy is struggling, you would think the leadership would change. >> eastern europe used to be a communist bloc satellites of the soviet empire. the collapse of the soviet economy back in the early 80s brought us the whole revival of the wall coming down. those kinds of things can still happen in iran. they have to have the same kind of support that ronald reagan gave to the polish and eastern
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europeans back when it was not a popular thing to do. dagen: do you believe that the current obama administration is willing to provide that kind of support? >> no. that is why i wrote this book. it is about what happens if you do not do the right kind of things to support democracy. quite frankly, we are not doing enough with the right kind of things. dagen: it is a novel? >> it is a novel. this is about and administration that does not do the right things just as we are not doing the right things now. oliver i will leave yours. connell: thank you very much. good luck, by the way.
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there it is. we will have more on this fox business exclusive report. it is a record year for anti-trust funds against businesses. dagen: airline flight attendant also have their say. some of the most annoying things that passengers do on airplanes. we also tell them to suck it up because that is their job. more on the winners from the s&p today. ♪ [ male announcer ] the markets keep moving. make sure the news keeps coming witinkorswim by td ameritrade. use the news links breaking stories
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dagen: it is a fox business exclusive. the number of antibusiness trust funds have never been higher. regulations in california and a tax rate that will be 53%. killing entrepreneurs and business. what flight attendants really think about the passengers. oh, like we don't know, you treat us all like dirt on your shoe. connell: the cove petallides is back. she is talking about aig. nicole: let's talk about aig. it will be less than a sale than they had hoped. the aircraft leasing business. they are selling it to a consortium of chinese companies
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for $4.8 billion. the stock is down about 1.5%. aig is up the dow ones industrials have an up arrow. some of the tech stocks are really leading the way. karl icahn may be getting involved. we certainly have a lot of winners here on the dow jones industrials. take a look at mcdonald's. up 1.4%. they have been doing so well with the preface sandwiches here in the united states. connell: thank you. connell: let's go to rich@. rich: more than a billion dollars in criminal fines.
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the fines include more than a half billion dollars for auto parts companies and executives. those and several other smaller fines totaled more than $1.1 billion. the former director says the ongoing investigation into other auto parts companies and the interest rate rigging scandal could set up 2013 as another record-breaking year. >> we have other wide-ranging investigation that there that have been publicized. i think 2013 stands to outpace 2012. ultimately, we may be sitting here a year from now saying 2012 pairs in comparison. rich: the analysis says asian -based companies paid more than 95% of the total fines.
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back to you. connell: let's bring in david joy. i guess the question economically with a story like this with other investigations that we know is on the way, just the idea that the litigation risk is out there. what is the economic impact of that, is it significant? >> i do not think so. in contrast to maybe the last ten years regulatory oversight is becoming a little more and they are following through. i think that is a good thing. businesses should be held liable. in terms of economic impact the numbers that you see, they pale in comparison.
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they seem to have overcome those pretty easily. not economically significant, but psychologically significant. >> that is exactly right. you will have these things all of the time anyway. a lot of different types of activity. you will have this sort of thing. i hope it has a chilling effect on some of the things. connell: we will talk more about that as we get more information let's talk a little bit while we still have you about the markets. we are up a little bit. everyone is putting out there their predictions or expectations about this fiscal cliff. you said you expect a deal to
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get done. the risk of it not getting done is also so great. >> what i meant by that is you put probabilities on it. i think clearly the market would sell off. you would see a flight to safety. i would say, you know, let the information come to you and wait to see it. connell: to that point, if you are right about that, and the fiscal cliff does give push forward in some form again, if it is not may be priced in, the market may have a little bit of room to rally on it. if you look at the economy, it is actually doing okay.
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i think those things go away if we get a deal. i don't think that is priced in at all. connell: great to have you on. thank you for joining us today. >> my pleasure. dagen: a stock alert for you. it could be a record-setting day at fedex. this could be the busiest day in the company's history. they have about 300,000 permanent workers worldwide. they add an additional 20,000 workers for the seasonal work. it is up 1%. goldman sachs, speaking of the economy: even in the firm's baseline forecast, you can
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expect economic slowdown in early 2013. things will be even worse if washington cannot cut a deal. financial conditions will very likely be cliff like, early january. connell: stick around for the story coming out of australia. the police there are warning drivers that a problem with apple maps can actually be deathly. dagen: gerri mack brown has his hands full. taxes and not state will kill jobs and entrepreneur roles elsewhere. connell: they have some complaints about all of you and your annoying behavior. dagen: we do not care. connell: let's take a look at the markets. people are annoyed.
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that story and much more straight ahead. ♪
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>> hi, everyone. i have your fox business brief. reaching a $327 settlement with u.s. regulators for allegedly hiding the identity of iranian customers. a nearly three-year investigation discovered criminal activity dating back to 2001. ameritrade is the latest offering special one-time payouts or accelerated dividend before scheduled tax hikes in the new year. fifty cents a share, payable to investors on december 31. the cme group is under pressure
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following news of a downgrade. goldman sachs / it's ratings. goldman says the move was an evaluation call. that is the latest from the fox business network. giving you the power to prosper. ♪
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connell: we have talked about it, apple maps. the program is being called dangerous now. police in australia urging people not to use it. lots of directions ead people to be stranded in the wilderness . 40 miles from desired destinations. already a number of high-profile executives at apple have left. dagen: you can seriously get lost. it is dangerous. twitter and instagram have
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broken up. instagram pulled all of its images from twitter last night. they are no longer instantly visible. you can still see them, but you have to click on a direct link as opposed to automatically see the photo. the founder of instagram says they wanted to take photo previews off of twitter to drive traffic back to their own site. of course, instagram is owned by facebook. connell: you think it is annoying when 1% doesn't stop talking or just keeps getting up on the airline. talking through the safety demonstration. they do not like it when you do that. complaining about the lack of space in the overhead department. stuffing too much in the overhead compartment. oh, no, no, no.
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clicking people's fingers to get a flight attendant attentioo, which is annoying on or off the plane. dagen: that is obnoxious. i have caught myself doing that. hey, josh, my computer just crashed. it is incredibly rude. connell: go to our website to find the five most annoying things that they give does. dagen: how about the flight attendants being incredibly rude when you ask them a question. do you have any herbal tea? dole fought american if you want herbal tea and a rude answer.
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connell: shibani joshi is here now. shibani: you two don't seem like friendly flyers. out of washington can't take a lesson out of the page book of silicon valley tightens. they compete with smart phones, tablets, search and storage. putting their differences aside, at least for the time being. working together. news breaking over the weekend that apple and google are working to gather so that they do not outbid one another. we think it will go for a price tag in the range of $500 million. it bodes very well for former foes in the past. apple, microsoft, research in
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motion, just flashier, all came together to fight nortel's patent portfolio. speaking of buying, over the weekend, not even over the weekend, this morning, we got reports that google may be buying motorola's home business from a british company called space. motorola's home business, dagen and connell, i said it right this time, they mix boxes. you could be going directly to google, as we know, as you guys know, there is a war going on for who controls what in your living room space. connell: thank you very much, shibani. shibani joshi in the newsroom. dagen: stocks now and every 15 minutes.
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nicole: popcorn. the posse group offer. turns out, for the quarter, their numbers were disappointing. down nearly 9% at the moment. there were some issues with accounting. that scandal and an investigation. there was a plant closure. as a result, you are seeing it down 8.7%. year to date, it is also a loser. year to date down almost 60%. major margaret averages, have aeros. connell: we will show you how this is hurting entrepreneurs coming up next. dagen: some of today's winners on the nasdaq. ♪ lways wait until the last minute.
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[ male announcer ] lease a 2013 c250 for $349 a month at your local mecedes-benz dealer.
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dagen: california's proposition 30 past last month. it is a way to get more state funding for education. this law. california's entrepreneurs particularly hard. hereto explained how, even anderson. he is a former google guys. good to see you. >> hello. thank you for having me spew
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forth the top tax rate in the country will now be in the state of california, assuming we go back to the 39.6% rate. it is retroactive to the beginning of the year. how crazy is that? >> it is, i think, it is very unusual. it is the first time i have ever seen a retroactive tax. one of the things i think was really surprising to me and a lot of my friends is it really was not described that way in the voter guide which was sent to all of us. they neglected to mention the rector active portion of it. i think a lot of people were really surprised by that. so many businesses still get started in silicon valley because that is where the talent is. the regulation, state and higher taxes in the state do not matter. will this really start to hurt business formation there, do you
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think. >> i think that is a great question. it is about a 30% tax increase california has done is almost double the taxable gain great. i feel like california is an amazing place. the silicon valley, especially. at some point, i do believe there will be a straw that breaks the camels back and the taxing kris at this magnitude i think that could actually be something that does start to spark an exodus from the state. it seems as if t was clearly done to target the facebook wealth created from the ipo, was
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it not? >> right. i think that is right. there is no question about it for this increase. facebook took eight years to go public. that is actually the exact average. over 90% of companies fail completely. what happened is a lot of those facebook entrepreneurs work for either no salary or a very low salary. then, all at once there was an ipo. california wanted to tax at a higher rate. a final word from you on this. what you think is the immediate impact i think that immediate
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impact will not be felt. i think it will be felt over a couple of years. i will really think hard about whether california is the right place to do it. >> the new start up will be in the local place. it will be automatically fulfilling open business forms. dagen: thank you very much. connell: this is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year for all of the retailers. apparently, not all of the biggest names on the street are celebrating. dagen: talk to us, sandra smith. sandra: it is not just about those one-day sales. now it is about investors picking the winners and losers.
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although shoppers head out for last-minute shoppers, look at abercrombie and fitch. a stock that has really made a big comeback since black friday. this is the team retailer. it did get an upgrade today. remember, the profits were up 30% in the first quarter. their international sales were really strong. abercrombie really coming out on top. aeropostale also down a percent. online traffic, for some of these teams retailers the traffic on the website sort of weak as far as what they are seeing. there are some warnings out there. those stocks taking some hits. merrill lynch to and
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underperformed rating today. look at this stock. it has been going down for all of 2012. it is actually getting a boost today. it was downgraded. everyone is starting to pick those winners and losers as we head into those final trading days. dagen: the new cheddar bacon onion sandwich. mcdonald's. sales higher. connell: lunchtime socks bearing high with that. maybe it is time to sell your mcdonald's shares right now. that is coming up next. dennis kneale and cheryl casone will take you through the next hour. ♪
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>> hello, everybody, i am cheryl
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casone. this new cheddar-- cheddar bacon onion sandwich helping mcdonald's, but we have a guest who says sell the stock and do it now. dennis: washington insider is ahead on why republicans are conceding in private they may have to give in to the president's demands. cheryl: and fiscal cliff fire sale. you will not believe what is going on in the hamptons' real estate market. we have a broker who says he can save you up to a million bucks on a home just like this one. deb dennis only 17.7mil. nicole petallides at the new york stock exchange. seeing green. >> reporter: nice little bargain there. hey, if you're saving a million oo more, that's a good bargain. we are seeing green across the board here, right now the dow jones industrials up one-quarter of 1%. let's take a look at the major averages, the dow jones
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industrials up 28 points, the tech-heavy nasdaq, we are seeing a lot of the tech stocks leading the way, but the composite is up 12 points almost half a percent in the s&p 500. also a winner. but let's take a lock at mcdonald's, one of the better performers on the dow. same-store sales were actually up, finally, once again because in october the same-store sales declined for the first time in nine years. so people began to worry. but, don't worry, because mcdonald's posted gains again, up 1.2%. you noted that great sandwich which is one oo the reasons why they had a winning november. >> and only 480 calories and 16 grams of fat. nicole, thank you very much. all right, despite mcdonald's sales jump here in the united states, our next guest says now is the time to sell this stock. mark, you say get rid of this one. is this a fiscal cliff decision on your part, or do you just not
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like what the stock is doing right now? >> cheryl, this is based on our power gauge rating which has been bearish on mcdonald's since last march. this bump up in same-store sales may have happened because of a very aggressive pricing on their dollar menu. a couple of analysts this morning have pointed out that this may have hurt net margins, so i think it's been a relief rally of about 9% as a few brokerage firms recommended it ahead of these figures, but here's a stock that's been underperforming the market for almost a year, i think this is a great time to get out of mcdonald's. cheryl: down 11% year to date, so that certainly would make sense on a sales basis, but at the same time there are some stocks that you also say we should be buying right now, and one of the ones that surprised me was yahoo. you say this is a stock to own. >> this is definitely a stock to own. this is almost the perfect storm. they lured her away from google after missing on their previous
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choice. she's turned the whole culture and the mood at yahoo! around in four months. she's got a big pot of cash to play with from the alibaba sale. initially, they were going to buy back stock, but now she's rethinking that and making small acquisitions. these are acquisitions in the mobile space. she's buying teams that she's known from google of young engineers with expertise in mobile. they bought stamp, they bought on the air, and they're shutting down their businesses. what's the rationale? she's making a big commitment to mobile going forward by hiring very, very smart, young edge mears -- engineers. cheryl: and you're also recommending ebay and very phone. this was of a little bit of a different story. the stock is down 22% year-over-year, mobile payments leader, do you think that they really can stay strong in that segment though? >> my favorite in the space is ebay, but verifone is very
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interesting. they were very brutal about guidance, and the stock dropped from 58 to 28. you now have ubs recommending them the last week with a target of 39. i think the earnings which are due out on thursday have the potential to surprise positively expectations are so low. they've also introduced a really interesting product. you can buy lottery tickets at the pump, and they have a pilot program in minnesota with seven gas stations. this could revolutionize the lottery business, because a lot of people are too busy to stop off at a convenience store. cheryl: we've just seen that become a very -- and the lottery we've seen become very, very popular with the powerball. i want to get to two more quick names, and these are other stocks you're saying besides mcdonald's our viewers should sell before the end of the year. you say dupont, you say dollar general. now, dupont, you say it's one of the weakest stocks on the dow. it is down 14%, but dollar general had been such a star during the recession. why are you knot liking this one
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now -- not liking this one now? >> based on two things. the technical action in the stock is just awful, and there's been a lot of insider selling. here's a company that has beat earnings for eight of the last quarters, and my question is, why is this stock trading so poorly? we've got a bearish jake and power gauge rating that says the 20 factors all sort of sum up to a negative potential for the next six months. i prefer not to guess about stocks that are due to report earnings, so if it's got a -@bearish rating and they're due to report, i'd rather get that out of my portfolio and reevaluate once the earnings are out. they'll probably beat on the earnings per share, but the guidance may be weak enough to push this stock down. i'm just wondering why it's trading so poorly after eight straight quarters of positive earnings. cheryl: we're going to find out later this week when we hear from dollar general. mark, thank you very much for the advice, appreciate it. >> thanks, cheryl.
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dennis: president obama approving in michigan this hour as he tries to bring his fight to raise taxes to the rich to the town that wreaked automaker bailouts from the feds. cheryl: we have peter barnes on the litest. >> reporter: with all the talk about driving off the fiscal cliff, the president is in detroit to speak at a diesel engine plant about the fiscal cliff. he'll talk at detroit diesel which is owned by germany's daimler, on extending middle class tax cuts for workers to keep pressure on republicans to cave on this issue, this after the president and speaker boehner met at the white house yesterday. a spokesperson for boehner says today, quote: discussions with the white house are taking place, but we have no detail to share about the substance of these conversations. he adds that republicans are waiting on specific spending cut proposals from the president to get a deal on the fiscal cliff. but a few republicans now say that maybe the best strategy for them is to accept some higher
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tax rate that is the president is demanding, get that off the table and then come back to entitlement reform early next year when the president asks for an increase in the debt ceiling. then republicans will have a little more leverage. >> there's a hardening on the republican side. we're not going to raise the debt ceiling. we're not going to let obama borrow any more money or any american congress borrow any more money until we fix this country from becoming greece, and that requires significant entitlement reform. >> reporter: for the record, senator graham is not one of those who favors increasing tax rates on the wealthy. he favors more revenue from them by capping deductions. cheryl and dennis. dennis: thanks very much, peter barnes. and our next guest says many republicans in private are conceding they may have to give president obama much of what he wants. we are joined by potomac research group political strategist, greg vallier. so do you think president obama will win a twofer; higher tax rates on the rich and deduction
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caps to get the rich to pay more as well? >> maybe. it's moving in that direction. i think peter barnes in the previous piece got it exactly right. i think the republicans in private, dennis, are beginning to say let's cut a deal on this, we'll come back and fight again when we really do have leverage. that's on the debt ceiling fight in february. dennis: how can voters have any faith that if they do tax hikes now and wait for spending cuts later they will really ever do it, given that they never have -- not in the reagan era, not in the clinton era? >> yep. very good point, my friend. i think you hit the nail on the held, because what i'm hearing is that they may say we'll set targets, we'll have a specific target for tax reform, for entitlement reform, and by god, if we don't hit that target by summer, we'll have a sequester. i mean, how many times are we going to hear this before the credit rating agencies say enough is enough? dennis: now, you're thinking maybe there's a chance, greg, that they do something up front now regarding social security
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cola adjustments, cost of living, so you change the formula to pay out less as well as medicare sometimes adjusted for the wealthy to give them less or make them pay more? >> yeah. i can't see the republicans agreeing to higher tax rates. let's say we go up to 38%. i don't think we're going to 39.6. but for the republicans to agree to 38, they've got to get something in return. so, yeah, i keep a couple -- i think a couple specific entitlement reforms. the promise is much more next year, but that means we just kick the can down the road by several more months. dennis: now, over the weekend new york times had contradictory headlines. on saturday had a story saying, you know, many of the rich still aren't paying enough x then summed, i believe page 1, came out and said, you know what? even if they get these tax hikes on the rich, we're only a fourth of the way to the $1.6 trillion president obama has said he wants. when will the media realize that, guys, this is just the beginning? >> oh, sure.
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and if you live in california, there's a retroactive tax hike that's going to hit a lot of people. you've got, obviously, higher capital gains and dividend taxes are threatened, and on and on and on. so i think if the republicans cave a little, let's say they go up to 37, that's just the first step. i think once they except the premise of higher taxes, we go even higher. dennis: all right. then maybe they're going after even more tax cuts on more than just the so-called rich. thanks for being with us, greg. >> you bet. dennis: martial law in egypt as president morsi gives the army vast new powers to arrest protesting civilians. cheryl: and coffee talk. we're going to be live at the cme on why contract prices for certain blends are heading lower which will translate into cheaper cup of joe. dennis deps and if you've got the bucks, we'll tell you how you can save half a million or more on this hamptons' beauty. cheryl: but first, want to take a look, about $3 loss on a
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contract last year, oil bumping up a tiny bit today, 86.22. [ male announcer ] where do you turn for legal matters?
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cheryl: right now we're coming up on 15 past the hour, stocks now, of course, every 15 minutes. jeff flock is in the trading pits of the cme where coffee prices perking lower, sandra smith watching retail, first to nicole on the floor of the new
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york stock exchange. >> thanks, cheryl, up about one-quarter of 1%, stocks up. use that term loosely today, but we're really thinking tech lately. a lot of people have been following the tech names, let's take a look agencies coe in particular which is a great performer on the dow jones industrials. one of the reasonn they got an upgrade, the price target now $24 up from $23 with a buy rating, but the whole point is that tech, actually, in my mind what i'm looking at, the overall market here, is really doing well. hewlett-packard is a winner on the dow jones industrials with the talk of carl icahn getting involved, microsoft was there, surface doing well, so there's a lot of different stories within tech. and even apple, which started off in the red and move today the green. so tech is one of the areas that is helping to keep all three of the major averages afloat. that's the latest a at the new york stock exchange. jeff flock, what's going on at the cme? >> reporter: i am in the ag
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room where most all the agriculture futures are down except for coffee. take a look at the arab ca bean, 80% of the world's supply. there is a huge coffee glut, bean glut in brazil which produces about 40% of the world's supply. that is, of course, the bean used mostly by starbucks, dunkin doughnuts and others, and because of this glut in what's called a low-crop year, every other year it has a low year because of growing cyclings. they've had a record low crop year. you take a look at the prices, this was up as high as $3 a pound back in august of 2011. it is now closer to a dollar and a half a pound and headed south. that's the latest on coffee. what are those retailers doing all juiced up on coffee, sandra? i don't know. [laughter] >> yeah, well, some of them have been used up this year on coffee, but some of the fizzle
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being taken out here at the end of the year. if you've been taking part in the gap, unbelievable rally, turn around for this stock, so far up in the year 69%. you're not liking the intraday chart today, down 4.5%. guys, look at a two week chart. this is actually a one month chart, but over the past couple weeks it's lost 14%. recently reported a 3% rise in their same-store sales, that was below expectations, so that's disappointment there, and that's weighing overall in the retail sale here. a lot of these may be overhyped around black friday/cyber monday. buckle getting hit today, has experienced a similar slide to gap over the past couping weeks, urban -- couple weeks. look at guess shares making a huge comeback. here's an intraday chart here, up about 1%. but this is a stock that so far this year has lost 17%, it's
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been underperforming but getting a huge boost today. as i hand it back to you, dennis and cheryl, the pe's just 911. -- 11. some buyers stepping in on guess as we speak. back to you. dennis: a little bit of hope there. thanks very much, sandra, jeff flock and nicole. it's time to make money with charles payne. a good day for mcdonald's, in this hour he's looking at a mickey d's spin off in the green. >> that's right. chipotle, the stock was a pure juggernaut for a long time. it's come down pretty hard from its all-time high in part because shorts are piled on it, einhorn and others. taco bell's eating their lunch. of course, i don't even -- they're both mexican, but i think different consumer range. last quarter they beat the street pretty good, they have revenues up 18%. same-store sales are less than 5% in the last quarter, year to date 8%, and that's what was
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scaring wall street a little bit. but i think the stock has overcorrected here and taken that into account. we're pretty set up for a surprise to the upside now because expectations have come down so much. cheryl cheryl but i can see the concern for investors that have been riding this stock, it has been one of the best performers in the food sector. i can see where they'd get a little nervous that they've grown too much, they've saturated the markets and a pullback would be, i guess, normal in a way. >> they've got a lot of room with growing restaurants. to that point, the 53-week high is $442. the stock is trading now around 270. so a lot of what you said is already taken into consideration. if you like the stock, use 260 as a stop and a breakout could take the stock to $350. if it goes to 300, that'd be a good trade from here. cheryl: and then you and sandra could split the story. [laughter] charles, thank you very much. martial law in egypt, the army given new powers to arrest
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civilians as the opposition calls for a boycott of saturday or's referendum. dennis: andtist the season, but tell that to the residents of minnesota already clobbered with 16 inches of snow. ♪ since we've no place to go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow ♪ at's next?
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>> at 23 minutes past the hour, i'm lauren green with your fox news minute. mexican singer jenny ri varian v.a. confirmed dead in mexico. she has sold 15 million records and been nominated for three latin grammys. the ntsb is dispatching investigators to the seen -- scene of the crash. and linebacker jerry brown was killed in a car accident this weekend. cowboys' defensive lineman josh brent charged with manslaughter. he was allegedly driving while intoxicated. america's team honoring their fallen teammate with a close win over cincinnati yesterday. and parts of the midwest digging out after a storm that unleashed
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blizzard conditions over the weekend, dropping about 16 inches of snow on minneapolis. more than 600 crashes and over 1900 spinouts thanks to the blizzard. and those are your headlines, now back to cheryl. cheryl: all right, lauren, not readies for that snow just yet anyway. lauren, thank you very much. martial law in egypt where the military has been given new authority to arrest protesting civilians and take a look at this. president mo hard morsi on the cover of this week's time magazine known as the most important man in the middle east. nani, what did you make of him being on the cover of time magazine? were you surprised he has risen to prominence when he barely won the election back in june? >> i believe this is, you know, morsi, anybody who rules in egypt is going to be prominent because egypt really is one of the most prominent countries of
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the middle east o. i don't think morsi has proven himself yet to deserve this -- cheryl: well, then why do you think he has made these moves? in particular, he seemed to be riding a high tide. he was a big peace of the hamas/israel deal that was brokered, and then next thing you know he turns around and gives himself these sweeping powers, and then, of course, egyptians take to the streets, and we now have death and violence in the streets of cairo, again, two years later. why do you think he made in the move? what can you tell me about him? >> well, he felt empowered after he has proven himself to be able to convince hamas to stop shooting at israel, and america was pleased with his participation in this process. unfortunately, the protesters in egypt are sending confusing messages to the administration. they took out mubarak who was more of a secular leader and
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voted for a muslim brotherhood leader, and 70% of egyptians actually are for sharia. so -- cheryl: which is, which is a very, which is a very -- sharia would be a very, i mean, that's a very restrictive type of -- >> it's anti-democracy. cheryl: okay. >> and morsi's given them sharia. now they're not happy with morsi, so there are mixed messages. and the egyptian people have to be educated. as to the democratic process in order for them to be, to agree at least to respect the elections, and then if they don't like it, they can change it in four years. so far they are, you know, they want the bringing down morsi, and this is not democracy. so whether they are islamists or to respect the decisions of the
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electorate. cheryl: well, you know, they're looking for $4.8 billion from the imf, and that decision may not go their way, so things may actually decelerate in egypt. thank you very much for your perspective. >> absolutely. thank you so much. my pleasure. dennis: here comes china. a new u.s. intelligence report says beijing will have the world's largest economy by 2030. cheryl: and also coming up, we're going to tell you which banking chief bought this hamptons' home that was listed on the market for $32.5 million. deps dennis but i'll betcha they got it for a steal, for like only 29 million. and a look at some of today's winners over on the s&p.
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nicole: i am nicole petallides live on the floor of the new york stock exchange. every 15 minutes on fox business, we do stocks now. this could be a record setting day for fedex. they are saying that they plan on moving 19 million packages today. this would be their busiest day ever for the company. they are saying that e-commerce is one of the reasons why they expect this growth. we will see overall, year over year, for this season, possibly a 13% growth year over year. dennis: they are so early. i am so impressed.
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thank you very much. federal reserve buys $40 billion in mortgage-backed securities each month. you can see it will soon have a larger or ditch portfolio van fannie mae and freddie mac combined. more purchases could be a good option. tom, thank you for being with us. fannie mae and freddie mac exist to help housing, why could it possibly be a good thing for the fed to be in even bigger landlord then franny? >> i do not know who is saying that. if the fed continues along this course buying $40 billion, they will want to own more than fannie or freddie. the irony of that, which is what we are trying to point out, we
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are trying to help the taxpayer out. at the end of the day, this is all part of qe. we expect that the fed will announce the additional purchases. dennis: you think that the new move will be to double the amount of purchases they are doing every month from 40 -- >> we do think that the fed will announce that. at this point, this is kind of a market consensus. they will just be rolled into qe. -@the treasury associated with twist are about $20 billion.
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dennis: it is not a net increase if they are are ready doing that with the twist. more broadly, maybe the fed should not be buying all of these i think that there certainly is a sound argument to put forward in that regard. that will keep them very much in play. the one thing i think people need to realize, the fed is pushing down low rates in an environment where low rates do not necessarily matter. few people have been able to take advantage of these low rates. they are trying to buy time, between today to another point out in the future where it will matter. dennis: how soon before we hear them say, look, guys, here are a couple things we need to see before we start to raise
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interest rates again? >> we will probably hear some of that tomorrow. we think the exit is well out into the future. what they will try to do is give us some guideposts. it will evolve around the unemployment rate and inflation. if we get to this range or this specific point, that is the point where policy will start to basically, unwind. dennis: thank you very much for being with us. have a great day, sir. cheryy: criticism of apple about taking another turn. the program now being called dangerous. police in australia are urging people not to use the platform. six motorists were stranded after apple about lead them 40 miles from their desired destinations. dennis, you and i both, neither
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of us really liked it very much. dennis: no doubt, a couple divorces happening with that map instance. [talking over each other] dennis: fiscal cliff. why hampton restaurants are slashing prices and selling fast before the end of the year. cheryl: also ahead, why the solar industry fell. your west coast minute coming up. dennis: first, let's take a look at treasuries. ♪
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>> i am tracy byrnes with your fox business brief. a new report led u.s. to believe that the china will have the largest economy by 2030. globalization and the environment. aig has struck a deal with a chinese consortium to sell nearly all of its airline. it will buy just over 80% for more than $4.2 billion. with the option of buying nearly 10% more of the business. reportedly to be the worst since the financial crisis in 2008. the average bonus this year will be $101,000. that is down 60.5% from last year. that is the latest from the fox business network. giving you the power to prosper. ♪
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get married, have a couple of kids, [ children laughing ] move to the country, and live a long, happy life together where they almost never fight about money. [ dog barks ] because right after they get married, they'll find some retirement people who are paid on salary, not commission. they'll get straightforward guidance and be able to focus on other things, like each other, which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense. from td aritrade.
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dennis: lloyd apparently putting his money where his mouth is. it is a good time to invest in real estate. he has bought this estate in new york british heritage. the listing price with $32.5 million. no word, though, on what he paid for it. cheryl: that is probably very true. that does bring us to our fiscal cliff survival, hampton edition. they are on a home selling spree. discounting their estates by as much as $1 million. we are joined right now by hamptons real estate broker enzo marabito. thank you so much for being here. >> a pleasure being here. cheryl: you are in the middle of all of these deals right now in the hamptons.
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they are getting out. >> we currently have seven deals. one has been postponed until next year. it has been a frenzy for everybody to pick out because of the new tax increases that are coming in. cheryl: the wealthy are selling because, you have to pay capital gains on a secondary home. >> correct. cheryl: there are a lot of buyers out there because they are trying to get the low interest rates. >> what is happening is they feel that the sellers are motivated to break down the price because currently in the upper bracket, if someone were to purchase, they will pay an additional almost 9% under capital gains. because of that, it is made much more flexible to go ahead and make a deal on the property versus this year then next year. cheryl: this is general with you
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and your competitors, as well. does this carry over into the next year? >> it is kind of interesting when you get this kind of spree of high-end home selling. what it does is it really generates, it is kind of like a flywheel the fact. cheryl: we were showing some of the pictures of the homes. some homes selling for 15 to $20 million. >> we had a house that was sitting there for a while and finally we brought it in to a range where it should have been
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priced. because of that, we, basically had a bidding war. we put it through e-mail because we just wanted to be fair. it brought in more money than we were asking for it. cheryl: do you think that will be the new normal and real estate? >> and is disney world. [ laughter ] cheryl: for very wealthy people. >> the end of the year, basically, hectic of trying to close every deal. we are on the phone because it is just not easy closing a house in two or three weeks. it is almost impossible. we are making the impossible possible. i think the upper and customers,
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their plight is not going to go down anymore. cheryl: thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. dennis: it is time for your media minute. bloomberg interested in buying the financial times. they were the first to report that last month. the salmon colored paper owned by pearson. bloomberg owner and new york mayor eying a buy. twenty-third fell in the james bond series taking the top spot it now is that $918 million world wide. instagram pulling back.
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instagram want users to come to instagram instead. this is one of the first signs of the war between facebook and twitter. facebook bot instagram earlier this year. cheryl: i love that story. every 15 minutes, stocks now. nicole: deutsche bank cutting to a buy. this is one that we are continuing to watch. let's see how it is faring. certainly coming under some pressure. it is down now 5%. we do have some breaking news that we are following. google and gmail. let's go through this. the gmail service is having intermittent outages. google, itself, is saying that it is investigating this. they are acknowledging this. they have 425 million gmail users worldwide. that is an intraday picture.
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it is staying in the green. however, it is well off the earlier highs of the day. the other thing is it is unclear how many are affected. this is something that we will continue to follow. intermittent outages for gmail users is not good news for google. cheryl: 425 million gmail users worldwide. any headline could be perceived as a negative. dennis: it was nice of google to offer that free e-mail service. you are typing in about this and add shows up as you are typing an e-mail. kind of creepy, but very effective. cheryl: you will have some issues. always a little frustrating. when you buy, ask yourself this,
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what bothers you the most about the people sitting next to you? see if you agree with the results of the survey. that is coming up next. dennis: i hate the results of that survey. we will be right back. ♪
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dennis: google now dealing with in outage of gmail. it serves over 400 million users. it is off earlier highs. the company apologizing for any
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inconveniences. google will give us an update when they fix that. cheryl: time for your west coast minute. boeing just signed a new deal with turkish airlines. it is valued at $4.7 billion. some california counties are turning sour on solar companies. riverside county is now in a lawsuit for land use. the promises of new tax revenues and jobs are not panning out. environmentalists are also complaining. finally, a west coast minute update for you. the whale carcass on malibu beach has been removed. it was causing a horrid stench for celebrity homeowners.
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guess who finally pay to have it towed out to sea. the homeowners because government agencies kept arguing over whose responsibility it was for the removal. that is your west coast minute. dennis: sometimes somebody has to stuff up and do it. it has been a tough year for business. a record $1.1 billion anti-trust rich: that number, the most. this is also an analysis from law firm exclusively to fox business. $1.1 billion in criminal activities. more than 1 billion from two investigations alone. price fixing and auto parts and
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led screens. 2013 could net the government even more and finds. >> if you look at what is going on, it is really at its infancy. you have other investigations out there that have been widely publicized. rich: these are the result of international investigations. asian companies and european businesses. only 17% are from companies based in america. back to you. cheryl: thank you very much, richard. you think it is annoying when the person next to you on the plane keeps talking or getting up? you are not alone. talking to the safe demonstration, that is one of the topics flight attendants complain about.
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also, when you complain about not enough space in the overhead compartment. trying to get off the plane before the public gives the signal. and snapping their fingers to get a flight attendants attention. that is one of the rudest things you could do to anybody ever. dennis: i do not care what the error attendants think about customers. all right. america watching cheap and natural gas. cheryl: should the u.s. be exporting it to make a handsome profit for that melissa and lori are coming up next. stay with market now. ♪
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>> you saw a survey of flight attendants, but they left out
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what is most selfish move of all, when the guy in front of you uses like a football player leaning far back, in your lap. >> i hate messing football player sits next to me and uses the armrest next to me. that is always a favorite. melissa: she doesn't even fly first class. spelori: i wasn't sure i shouldy i'm short. melissa: good afternoon. it is crunch time, president obama taking his fiscal cliff plan on the road just planning at michigan. the legislation putting them on the defensive. melissa: u.s. has plenty of natural


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